
How To Update Value In Dictionary Python

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss Python Lexicon update with a few examples like beneath:

  • Python Dictionary update method
  • Python Dictionary update value
  • Python Lexicon update value if key exists
  • Python Dictionary update function
  • Python Dictionary update vs append
  • Python Dictionary update key
  • Python Dictionary update vs assignment
  • Python Dictionary update all values
  • Python nested dictionary update
  • Python dictionary update if not exists

Python Dictionary update

  • In this section, we will talk over the python dictionary update. Here nosotros will employ the update() method.
  • Information technology is an unordered drove of data values, that is used to store data values like a tuple, which does not like other Data Types that contain only a single value as Python dictionary takes Key value pair.
  • This method updates the lexicon with the key and value pairs. It inserts a key/value if it is non present. It updates the key/value if it already exists in the lexicon.
  • This role does not return any values, rather it updates the aforementioned input lexicon with the newly associated values of the keys.


Here is the Syntax of the update() method

  • It consists of merely one parameter.
    • other: Information technology is a list of key/value pairs.
  • Return: Information technology does not render any value(None).


Allow's take an example to bank check how to implement a Python lexicon update

In this example to update the dictionary by passing fundamental/value pair. This method updates the lexicon.


          dict = {'Africa':200,'australia':300,'England':400} print("State Proper noun",dict) dict.update({'China':500}) print("updated land proper noun",dict)        

In the above example first, we will be creating a dictionary and assigning a key-value pair. After that calling a method update() and impress the effect.

Here is the Screenshot of the following given lawmaking

Python Dictionary update
Python Lexicon update
  • Another example is to update the lexicon by key/value pair.
  • In this example two values are passed to the Python dictionary and information technology is updated.


          dict = {'John':200,'Micheal':300,'Smith':400} impress("Name",dict) dict.update({'Andrew':500,'Hayden':800}) print("updated name",dict)        

Here is the Screenshot of the post-obit given code

Python dictionary update 2nd method
Python dictionary update second method
  • Another example is to update the dictionary by cardinal/value pair.
  • In this method we tin can easily use the * operator.
  • Using this method nosotros can merge old dictionary and new key/value pair in another dictionary.


          dict = {'b': 2, 'c': 3}    # will create a new dictionary new_dict = {**dict, **{'d': 4}} # *operator function    impress(dict) print(new_dict)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python dictionary update opeartor
Python dictionary update operator

Read Python dictionary suspend with examples

Python Dictionary update method

  • In this section, we will discuss the python dictionary update method by using the Python update() method.
  • Yous can likewise update a dictionary by inserting a new value or a cardinal pair to a nowadays entry or by deleting a nowadays entry.
  • The update() method inserts the specified items into the Python dictionary.
  • The specified items can exist a dictionary or iterable elements with fundamental-value pairs.


Hither is the Syntax of the update() method

  • It consists of only one parameter.
    • iterable: Information technology is an object with key value pairs, that will be added to the dictionary


Permit'southward take an instance to check how to update dictionary items

          dict1 = {'Python':200,'Java':300,'C++':400} print("Languages",dict1) dict1.update({'Carmine':500,'Pascal':800}) print("updated linguistic communication",dict1)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given lawmaking

Python dictionary update method
Python dictionary update method

Read Python Lexicon alphabetize

Python Dictionary update value

  • In this section, we will discuss the python dictionary update value.
  • To update the value of an existing cardinal in the Python dictionary, You take to create a temporary dictionary containing the key with a new value and and so pass this dictionary to the update() function.
  • Update() function accepts an iterable another parameter of key-value pairs (dictionary or list) as an argument and so updates the values of keys from the iterable object to the dictionary.


Here is the Syntax of the update function

  • Render: It does not return whatever value(None).


Let'due south take an case to check how to update values in the dictionary

          dict1 = {'Germany':200,'France':300,'Paris':400} print("Country name",dict1) dict1.update({'France':600}) print("updated value",dict1)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given lawmaking

Python Dictionary update value
Python Dictionary update value

Read How to convert dictionary to JSON in Python

Updated Nested Python lexicon

  • Another example is to update value in a Python dictionary.
  • Y'all tin update the value of a specific item by referring to its key name.
  • In this example we can hands employ updating nested lexicon method.
  • In Python, Nested dictionaries will be created by the comma-inside the enclosed curly brackets.
  • Value to a specified primal in a nested lexicon can be included using its Fundamental method. But, we tin can do this, first, you have to create an empty dictionary even before assigning values to respective keys.


Here is the Syntax of the Python nested dictionary



Let'southward take an example to check how to update values in the Python dictionary

          dict = { 'student1_info':{'name':'John','Roll-no':32},'student2_info':{'name':'Micheal','Roll-no':24}} print("Dictionary before updation:",dict) dict['student1_info']['Roll-no']=78 # nested dictionary  print("Dictionary after updation:",dict)        

In the above example, we take updated the value of the inner key:'Rollno' of the outer cardinal:'student1_info1′ to 78.

Hither is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python dictionary update value nested method
Python dictionary update value nested method

Read Python lexicon filter + Examples

Python Dictionary update value if key exists

  • In this department, nosotros will talk over the python dictionary update value if key exists.
  • In this method we can easily use the office inbuilt method keys().
  • This method returns a list of all the available keys in the dictionary. With the Inbuilt method Keys(), use the if argument and the 'in' operator to check if the key exists in the dictionary or not.
  • If the cardinal exists then information technology will update the value in the dictionary.


Permit's take an example and check how to update values if the key exists in the dictionary.

          def checkKey(dict, cardinal):            if primal in dict.keys():         impress("Key exist, ", end =" ")         dict.update({'g':600})         print("value updated =", 600)     else:         print("Non Exist") dict = {'thou': 700, 'north':100, 't':500}    key = 'm' checkKey(dict, key) print(dict)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python Dictionary update value if key exists
Python Dictionary update value if the central exists

Read Python Concatenate Lexicon

Another method for update value if primal exists in dictionary

  • Allow us run across, how to update value if key exists in a Python lexicon by using inbuilt method has_key().
  • This part is used to make up one's mind whether the cardinal exists in the dictionary, if the central is in the lexicon dict returns true, otherwise returns faux.
  • With the Inbuilt role has_key(), use the if statement to check if the central is bachelor in the dictionary or non.


Here is the Syntax of the has_key() method

  • It consists of but 1 parameter
    • Key: This is the fundamental pair that is to be searched in the lexicon.


Let'due south take an instance and bank check how to update values if the key exists in the lexicon.

          def checkKey(dict, key):            if dict.has_key(key):         impress ("Exists, value updated =", dict[key])     else:         print ("Not Exists")    # Driver Office dict = {'u': 400, 't':100, 'c':300} key = 'w' checkKey(dict, key)                  

In the above example, nosotros have to utilise the has_key() function which will throw an error as a 'dict' object has no aspect 'has_key' because the has_key() method has been removed from Python Version 3.

Hither is the Screenshot of the post-obit given lawmaking

Python dictionary update value if key exists error message
Python dictionary update value if the key exists an mistake message


Has_key method can only be used in the python ii.7 version

Here is the Screenshot of this error message solution

Python dictionary update value if key exists has_key method
Python dictionary update value if cardinal exists has_key method

Read Python Dictionary sort

Python Dictionary update vs append

  • In this section, we volition talk over the python dictionary update vs append.
  • In this method we tin can hands utilize the functions update() and append().
  • In this method, We tin easily brand use of the congenital-in function append() to add the values to the keys to the dictionary. To add an element using append() to the dictionary, we have first to notice the cardinal to which we need to append. In the instance of update() function is used to update a value associated with a central in the input dictionary.
  • This office does non render whatsoever values, nor information technology updates the input dictionary with the newly present values of the keys. While in the example of the append() function you can add an item to a dictionary by inserting a new index key into the dictionary, then assigning it a particular value.


Here is the Syntax of the update() role



Allow'south accept an example to bank check how to implement the update() and append() functions.

          dict = {'Mango':300,'Apple':600,'Orangish':900} print("Fruits Proper name",dict) dict.update({'Grapes':500}) # update part print("updated Fruits name",dict)  my_dict = {"Name":[],"Accost":[],"Age":[]};  my_dict["Name"].append("John") my_dict["Address"].append("England") my_dict["Age"].append(30)	 print(my_dict)        

In the above case first, nosotros will exist creating a lexicon and assign a cardinal-value pair. After that calling a method update() and print the result. In suspend() part consider you lot have a dictionary, the keys in the dictionary are Name, Accost, and Age. Using the suspend() method nosotros can update the values for the keys in the lexicon.

Hither is the Screenshot of the post-obit given code

Python Dictionary update vs append
Python Dictionary update vs append

Python Lexicon update key

  • In this department, we volition discuss the python lexicon update cardinal.
  • The nearest thing we tin practice is to relieve the value with the old key, remove it, and so add a new value with the replacement cardinal and the saved value.
  • In this instance, nosotros can easily call dict.popular(key) to update an quondam key from dict and return its value. With the aforementioned dictionary, assign a new fundamental-value pair to the dictionary.
  • The python pop() method removes an chemical element from the dictionary. It removes the element which is associated with the specified key.


Here is the Syntax of pop() method

  • It consists of few parameters
    • Key: The central is to beingness removed from the dictionary.
    • Default: (It's an optional parameter) The value is to exist returned if the key is not found in the dictionary.
  • Return: Returns the value associated with the cardinal. If a primal is not found in the dictionary, so it returns the by default value if the default parameter is specified. If the fundamental is not establish and the default parameter is non specified, then information technology throws a key error.


Let's take an instance to check how to update the primal in the dictionary

          romanNumbers = {'II':1, '4':2, '3':three, 'V':4, 'Half dozen':v } UpdateValue = romanNumbers.pop('Five') print("The popped element is: ", UpdateValue) print("Updated lexicon: ",romanNumbers)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python Dictionary update key
Python Dictionary update key
  • In case If the key is not found and the default parameter is not specified a cardinal error is raised.


          romanNumbers = {'Ii':1, 'Four':2, 'III':iii, 'V':4, 'VI':5 } UpdateValue = romanNumbers.pop('VII') print("The popped element is: ", UpdateValue)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python default parameter is not specified
The python default parameter is not specified

Another method to update key in dictionary

  • In this method, we can easily apply the Python zip() function.
  • Suppose if we want to update all keys of the dictionary and so we demand to use the zip() part.
  • The zip() function creates a sequence that will aggregate elements from 2 or more iterables.


Allow'due south take an example to bank check how to update the central in the dictionary

          mydict = {'John': i, 'Micheal' : 5,              'James' : 10, 'Potter' : fifteen}     mylist = ['grand', 'n', 'o', 'p'] impress ("initial  dictionary", mydict) res_dict = dict(zip(mylist, listing(mydict.values()))) print ("Updated dictionary", str(res_dict))        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given lawmaking

Python Dictionary update key zip method
Python Dictionary update central zip method

Python Dictionary update vs assignment

  • In this section, nosotros volition hash out the python dictionary update vs assignment.
  • In this method, You lot can use the annotation, which tin can access the cardinal, or creating a new key using foursquare brackets and then providing the opposite value.
  • As well, you can apply the lexicon method update() to update a key in an existing dictionary.
  • To add a new primal to the dictionary we can simply employ the notation with the new ane and assign its value using the consignment operator =.


          dict1 = {'Perl':200,'Mongodb':300,'SQL':400} impress("Languages",dict1) dict1.update({'Cherry-red':500,'Pascal':800}) #update function print("updated linguistic communication",dict1)   Mobilename = {'samsung': 100, 'Oppo': fifty}  print("Original proper name:", Mobilename) Mobilename['Apple'] = 80 # assignment operator  print("Updated name:", Mobilename)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python Dictionary update vs assignment
Python Dictionary update vs assignment

Python Dictionary update all values

  • In this section, we will discuss the python dictionary update all values. We can hands do this by using update() role.
  • The python update() method updates the dictionary with the primal and value pairs. It inserts a primal/value if it is non nowadays. Information technology updates the primal/value if it is already present in the dictionary.
  • This function will aid the user to update all the values in the Python lexicon.


Here is the Syntax of the update() method

  • Return: It does not render whatsoever value(none)


          my_dict = {'Italian republic':200,'Japan':300,'Canada':400} print("Country proper noun",my_dict) my_dict.update({'Italian republic':600,'nihon':900,'Canada':250}) print("updated all values:",my_dict)        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python Dictionary update all values
Python Dictionary update all values

The above code nosotros tin can use to update all values in a Python Dictionary.

Python nested dictionary update

  • In this section, nosotros will discuss python nested dictionary update.
  • To remove an item stored in a nested dictionary, we can easily apply the del statement. The del argument removes an object. The del function is like a python interruption statement.
  • In this method we tin hands utilize the method del()


          employee_info = { 	0: { "emp_name1": "John", "bacon": 50, "emp_id": 20 }, 	1: { "emp_name2": "Micheal","salary":thirty, "emp_id": 40 }, 2: { "emp_name3": "George", "salary": xc, "emp_id": 60 } }  del employee_info[2]  print(employee_info)        
  • In the higher up example, we could remove this employee from our nested dictionary.
  • In the example, we used a del statement to remove the value in our nested dictionary whose key was equal to 2. As you tin see, this removed the entry for emp_name3 from our nested lexicon.

Hither is the Screenshot of the post-obit given code

Python nested dictionary update
Python nested lexicon update

Python lexicon update if not exists

  • In this section, we volition talk over Python dictionary update if not exists.
  • In this method nosotros can easily employ the function in keyword.
  • The in keyword is used to check if a primal is already present in the dictionary.


          mobile = {   "mobile name": "Samsung",   "reference_number": "M30",   "year":2019 } if "mobile name" in mobile:   impress("fundamental mobile proper noun is be!") else:   print("primal mobile proper name is not exist!") if "color" in mobile:   impress("key phone is exist!") else:   print("key phone is not exist!")        

Here is the Screenshot of the following given code

Python dictionary update if not exists
Python dictionary update if not exists

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In this Python tutorial, nosotros will discuss Python Lexicon update with a few examples similar below:

  • Python Dictionary update method
  • Python Dictionary update value
  • Python Dictionary update value if key exists
  • Python Dictionary update function
  • Python Dictionary update vs append
  • Python Dictionary update key
  • Python Dictionary update vs assignment
  • Python Dictionary update all values
  • Python nested dictionary update
  • Python dictionary update if not exists


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